Vibehut Developer Ethos

Vibehut wants to engage the developer community to build together. We’ll releasing a very early API for a few select users to open the imagination to what can be built.

Use Cases

  1. List Upcoming Vibehut Events

GET /events


  1. desoUserPublicKey (optional)
  2. filterBy (optional) (valid values - popular,upcomig and new) default is popular
  3. limit (optional) default 20
  4. offset (optional) default 0
  5. roomId (optional) - will return the events of the specified room and with all the other filters applied.
  6. roomSlug (optional) - will return the events of the specified room and with all the other filters applied. (can be left empty if the roomId is already mentioned).
  7. createdBy - accept comma separated value like Facebook,DeSo
    1. Facebook
    2. WorldCoin
    3. Twitter
    4. DeSo
    5. Instagram
    6. Linkedin
    7. Metamask
    8. Tiktok
  8. Exclude accept comma separated value
    1. passwordProtected
    2. paid
    3. NFT token gated
    4. ObjectId of event
    5. Deso User PublicKey
    6. Vibehut username

Note: Please be aware that only events occurring within the next 30 days are accessible for queries.

const axios = require('axios');

const apiKey = [API KEY];
const url = '<>';

const headers = {
  'api-key': `${apiKey}`

axios.get(url, { params, headers })
  .then(response => {
  .catch(error => {
Returns {
      _id: '64ade89038ce4c001462f23f',
      cover: [Object],
      isPaidEvent: false,
      price: 0,
      isPasswordProtected: false,
      title: 'Weekly Vibehut Platform Call',
      description: '',
      startDate: '2023-08-08T22:00:00.000Z',
      endDate: '2023-08-08T23:00:00.000Z',
      room: [Object],
      createdAt: '2023-07-11T23:41:04.416Z',
      rsvps: [Array],
      rsvp_count: 46,
      eventOwner: [Object],
      isAccessibleEvent: true

Room specific events:

const axios = require('axios');

const apiKey = [API KEY];
const url = '<'>;

const headers = {
  'api-key': `${apiKey}`

axios.get(url, { params, headers })
  .then(response => {
  .catch(error => {
Returns {
      _id: '64ade89038ce4c001462f23f',
      cover: [Object],
      isPaidEvent: false,
      price: 0,
      isPasswordProtected: false,
      title: 'Weekly Vibehut Platform Call',
      description: '',
      startDate: '2023-08-08T22:00:00.000Z',
      endDate: '2023-08-08T23:00:00.000Z',
      room: [Object],
      createdAt: '2023-07-11T23:41:04.416Z',
      rsvps: [Array],
      rsvp_count: 46,
      eventOwner: [Object],
      isAccessibleEvent: true